Could the spices in your kitchen cabinet protect or even improve brain health? The research is limited, but you can still enjoy the wonderful flavors and potential benefits that spices have to offer, with these recipes.
Do you feel more nostalgic after the winter holidays? If so, you are not alone! A survey of U.S. adults who celebrate a winter holiday found that flavors and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg evoke holiday nostalgia. Since ancient times, spices have been used to intensify food taste, stimulate the senses, and treat ailments.
Today, many spices used to make your family’s winter favorites are being studied for their antioxidant content. Antioxidants are substances that protect your cells from damage. Early animal research suggests that spices may boost memory and learning and prevent brain cell damage associated with Alzheimer’s disease. However, much more research is needed to determine if antioxidants or other compounds found in spices can be used to improve our brain health. In the meantime, you can still enjoy these spices’ wonderful flavors and aromas—even if the holidays are over.