Is gratis tydskrifte beskikbaar om tydens kerkfunksies/ontbyte/vroudae uit te deel?
Ja! JUIG!/JOY! skenk baie graag tydskrifte aan belangstellendes en gevangenes. Ons het een keer per maand so ‘n verspreidingsessie regoor die land. E-pos: met jou versoek – noem die datum waarop die funksie is, aantal tydskrifte wat verlang word, ens. Onthou net om ons betyds te skakel!
Wat moet ek doen dat my kerk JUIG! as leesstof moet aanhou?
JOY! Magazine is available through all Christian bookstores and from the following supermarkets: Woolworths, Pick 'n Pay, Spar, Checkers, Clicks and 7 Eleven. If you do not see the magazine on shelf, please ask the Manager - as they are supposed to stock JOY! and JUIG!
Dit is baie maklik vir jou kerk/organisasie om JUIG! in voorraad te hou. Stuur ons ‘n e-pos met jou versoek en kontakbesonderhede en ons sal poog om julle by ons verspreider, RNA, te lys. Daar is geen risiko aan verbonde nie, aangesien JUIG!/JOY! op ‘n verkoop/terugneem-basis fungeer. E-pos vir verdere inligting.
If you notice JOY! is not in a store, please email and we will get that store listed ASAP.
Waarom moet ek op JUIG! inteken?
Die voordele is veelvoudig. Jy kry nie net ‘n geskenk as jy inteken nie, maar jy spaar ook R50.00 op die omslagprys. Jou tydskrif word ook ‘n week voor dit op die rakke beskikbaar is, afgelewer. Jy hoor ook eerste van die kompetisies, gebeure en Christen-nuus.
Waar kan ek JUIG! Tydskrif en JOY! Magazine koop?
Dit is by alle Christen-boekwinkels en ook by die volgende winkels beskikbaar: Woolworths, Spar, Checkers en 7 Eleven. As dit nie op die rak is nie, vra asb die Bestuurder – hulle is veronderstel om dit aan te bied. Dit is nog nie by Pick ‘n Pay beskikbaar nie – vra asb die Bestuurder en doen gereeld navraag daaromtrent.
As jy sien dat ons tydskrif weggesteek op die rakke is, plaas dit asb op ‘n prominente plek – ons betaal presies dieselfde vir die rakspasie as enige ander tydskrif en dikwels is dit die winkeleienaars/-bestuurders wat nie Christene is nie wat die tydskrif op versteekte plekke plaas. As jy sien dat JUIG!/JOY! nie by ‘n winkel te koop is nie, e-pos ons asb by en ons sal die winkels gelys kry.
Hoe dikwels word JUIG! en JOY! gepubliseer?
JUIG! verskyn tweemaandeliks terwyl JOY! maandeliks verskyn en reeds vanaf die middel van elke maand op die rak is.
Hoe kan ek vir JUIG! Tydskrif skryf?
Ons verwelkom alle getuienisse en voorleggings. Maak egter seker dat jy ‘n intekenaar is en dat jy ons ‘Skrywersriglyne’op ons webwerf deeglik bestudeer het. Neem ook kennis dat ons gereelde medewerkers het en oor die algemeen, weens beperkte ruimte, slegs enkele losstaande artikels van lesers publiseer.
Writers' Guidelines
If you wish to submit articles to JOY! for publication, it is imperative that you know the magazine, our vision and our values. A casual examination of the magazine will not be sufficient. Please note that you need to be a subscriber to be considered for publication.
You must study the magazine and analyse the articles to discover the elements we typically use.
You should avoid sending teaching articles, interviews, sermons, poetry or fiction. We are, however, always looking for miracle and healing testimonies. These testimonies must be thoroughly researched and well-told. Healings must also be medically documented. All submissions should be your own written work, and if not, they should be correctly referenced.
We also require stories on different Christian personalities who are living effective Christian lives. We welcome news stories; however facts and quotes must be accurate and be able to be verified. JOY! maintains the right to edit or adjust any article, space/content dependent. All articles published in JOY! are copyrighted to us and may not be reproduced without our consent. Nor may the author republish the same story in another magazine without permission from JOY! All articles featured in JOY! may be reprinted and translated in our Afrikaans title. We reserve the right to do so without prior consent from the author (in the event that we cannot get hold of them).
All submissions must be made via email to Payment is not guaranteed. We pay for stories only under certain conditions. YOU MUST BE A SUBSCRIBER TO HAVE YOUR STORY PUBLISHED.
Contributors' Style Guide
1 page = 400 words
1 1/2 pages = 500 words
2 pages = 650 words
Arial 12pt
* Do not BOLD, ITALICISE (except in the case of Scripture References) or UNDERLINE text.
* Full stops and colons should be followed by SINGLE spaces, not double spaces.
We use UK English only.
Please italicise all scripture verses.
In normal text, personal pronouns such as He, Him, Himself, You, etc. are capped when they refer to the God of the Bible, i.e. to the Holy Trinity or one of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
'Name' and 'Word' are also capped when they refer to God's Name and God's Word. It also applies when they follow the possessive pronoun, e.g. 'Your Name' and 'His Word'. Other words such as kingdom, creation, sovereignty, etc., are not capped.
'Church' is capped only when referring to the greater Church of Christ as a whole. Otherwise, church is not capped.
Numbers from one to ten are written in full. From eleven upwards, numbers are written in numerals, unless a number refers to a broad term - e.g. "... a thousand years..." "... a million angels..."
When numbers below and above ten appear in close proximity to each other, they should preferably be written in numerals - e.g. "... between the ages of 8 and 12..."
Articles should be emailed to: in MS Word format.